Our mission is to provide the environmentally conscious consumer with tropical hardwood originating from sustainably managed forests.
Dennebos Suriname strives to meet the highest standards for sustainability by using the newest innovations. Our goal is to let our customers confidently serve the evermore discerning consumer.

The founder of Dennebos Suriname (DBS) is Jos Dennebos. His vision, that Fcertified tropical timber would become the trend of the future, has led to the frontrunner of DBS: E-Timber Suriname (ETS). ETS enabled us to make certification possible. ETS was a joint venture between between Nieuwe Houtonderneming Ansoe and Dennebos Flooring Ltd. with a base camp at SuHoZa (Dutch short for Suriname Wood Mill), a rundown steam mill on the Suriname river. This rundown steam mill was given new life in 2015, with the installation of a fully electronically guided sawmill, close to the location of the original steam mill.
In 2005, this area witnessed the start of sustainable forest management. This was realized by implementing preliminary exploration inventories and subsequent exploitation inventories, and the composition of required documentation. Additionally, various training sessions were organized on Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) techniques on site in our own guest house and training centre. Lastly, our Environmental & Social Impact Assessment was composed, and approved by the National institute for environment and development in Suriname (NIMOS).

Suriname is a multicultural society. This multiculturalism is also characteristic for Dennebos Suriname, which personnel consists out of Hindustanis, Javanese, Creole, Maroons, indigenous, Guyanese, Dutch, Indonesian, Filipino and Brazilian staff that have learned to work together. Through the years DBS has not only distinguished itself as an certified exploitation company, but also as supplier of certified products for civil engineering. Additionally, DBS is known for introducing Lesser Known Timber Species to the market, such as Manbarklak, Ingipipa, Kwatapatu and other high grade species of Tropical hardwood.
Dennebos possesses a wide range of heavy duty equipment for forest exploitation purposes. Additionally, we own a tugboat with pontoons, living accommodations, drying rooms and a fully automated band sawmill. Our office in Paramaribo features a fully equipped Planning and Monitoring unit with the most up-to-date equipment. This allows us to make good preparations for forest inventory, mapping, harvest plans and survey the processes of felling, extraction and transport.